Welcome to Prompt Service Atom and RSS Feeds

What are feeds and how to use them?

A feed is a regularly updated summary of web content, along with links to full versions of that content. When you subscribe to a given website's feed by using a feed reader, you'll receive a summary of new content from that website. Important: you must use a feed reader in order to subscribe to website feeds. When you click on an RSS or Atom feed link, your browser may display a page of unformatted text.

What is an Atom Feed?

The name Atom applies to a pair of related standards. The Atom Syndication Format is used for web feeds, while the Atom Publishing Protocol is protocol for creating and updating Web resources.

What is an RSS Feed?

RSS (an acronym for "Really Simple Syndication" or "Rich Site Summary") is a way for web sites to summarize their content, such as news articles, to make it available in a different view and a simple way for users to have an interactive bookmark to content that is of interest to them.

What is a Feed Reader?

Feed reader is a Web site or tool that allows you to sign up for various feeds from news sources, blogs and other Web sites. It collects all the headlines and summaries in one place so that you don't have to hunt around to see what's new.

How do I read and get updates?

There are two basic steps to getting and reading an RSS feed: subscribe to it and pick a news aggregator to read it with. Subscribing, or bookmarking, a RSS or Atom feed allows you to automatically receive updates to that feed. A news aggregator, usually a software or web-based program, translates the RSS or Atom feed into a more reader-friendly format.

If you already use a news aggregator, here is the link to our feed:

Subscribe to Prompt Service RSS Feed Prompt Service Atom and RSS Feeds
    Copy and paste this URL into your aggregator's subscription mechanism:
    http://www.promptserviceappliance.com/AtomFeed.xml >This features is coming soon<

If you do not currently use a news aggregator, here is how to get started:

Popular web-based feed readers are (click on aggregator to add RSS feed):
Add To Bloglines Add To Yahoo Add to Google Add to NewsGator Add to Windows Live
Add To FeedLounge Add To AOL Add to NETVibes Add to Rojo Add to NewsBurst

Terms for Using the Prompt Service RSS/Atom Feeds

By using the Prompt Service RSS and/or Atom feeds you acknowledge and agree to the following:
  • If you use the personalized RSS and/or Atom feeds, you are consenting to the information about your account being transferred to the location of the RSS and/or Atom feed as enabled by you. While Prompt Service will not pass personally identifying information in the feed, your use may cause such information to be associated with you. It is your responsibility to handle the feed and your personal information associated with it as you deem appropriate.
  • You shall not modify the feeds in any way.
  • Use of the Prompt Service RSS/Atom feeds are at your own option and risk. Prompt Service makes no representation or warranty regarding its RSS and/or Atom feeds and reserves the right to modify or terminate the feeds at any time without notice.